
Collections of the most authentic books of the history of Islam (and before Islam) with biographies of the prophets and Aimmah (as)
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Tales of the Last Messenger
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A collection of short stories from the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, “Tales of the Last Messenger.” Over 65 Stories...
The Lives of the Twelve: A Look at the Social and Political Lives of the Twelve Infallible Imams
The Lives of the Twelve is a pioneering work that details the lives of the Twelve Shia Imams. While most...
The Saqifa - Allama Askari
Allama Askari’s The Saqifa provides a comprehensive look at one of the most pivotal moments in Islamic history. Allama Askari...
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God's Emissaries- Adam to Jesus
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The book before you is the first of its kind. It has elevated the genre of Prophetic stories to new...
An Altar of Roses
IN STOCK NOW!!   About the Book An Altar of Roses is a collection of the memoirs of a young...
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Peace be upon Ibrahim
The lives of martyrs are so profound and extraordinary, they make the heart melt. Novelists cannot even dream of coming...
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The Maqtal of Imam Al-Husayn- Al K'abi
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This book, The Maqtal of Imam al-Ḥusayn, is a moment to moment recount of the martyrdom of Abā ʿAbdillāh and...
The Unknown Imams
  The Unknown Imams provides for the first time in English an accessible historical record of the life and thought...
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I Feared Nothing: The Autobiography of Qasem Soleimani, 1957-1979
Qasem Soleimani was a towering figure in the Iranian resistance and revolutionary movement. You are holding in your hands an...
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The Ashura Uprising in the Words & Messages of Imam Khomeini
Word of Imam Khomaini on Ashura and the uprising of Imam Husain (AS)
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House of Sorrows- Baitul Ahzaan- The Life of Sayyida Fatimah and her Grief.
House of Sorrows is the first ever book in English to detail the last six months of the life of...
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Who is Zaynab?
Every year the world witnesses millions of people descend upon Karbala to commemorate the valiant stand of Imam Hussain (p)...
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The Life of the Messenger- Part One: A Look at the Social and Political Life of the Prophet Muhammad Paperback
The Life of the Messenger is a pioneering work that details the life of the Holy Prophet of Islam. This...
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Friends Of The Faithful
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to see your Imām (ʿa) with your very...
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With His Head Held High - The Story of Shaheed Mohsen Hojaji
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This book is a compilation of memories and stories, re-told by family and friends, from the life of the iconic...
Peace Be Upon Ibrahim - The Story of Shaheed Ibrahim Hadi - Vol 2
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This is volume 2 of the book containing stories of wisdom and sacrifice from the life of Shaheed Ibrahim Hadi...
Imam Husain’s Brothers in Arms- Ayt Khamenei
Imam Husain’s Brothers in Arms consists of a series of ten lectures delivered by Ayatollah Khāmeneī in the month of...
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Islamic Beliefs and Practices- Definitive Responses to 40 Salafi Objections
Islamic Beliefs and Practices answers some of the most common yet unfounded accusations that are levelled by Salafis against the...
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The Life of the Messenger- Part Two: A Look at the Social and Political Life of the Prophet Muhammad Paperback
In Stock now! The Life of the Messenger is a pioneering work that details the life of the Holy Prophet...
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Fatimah is Ali -Short stories from life of Lady Fatimah (s) and Imam Ali (a)- Ali Qahramani
 This book is a collection of short stories about the life of Imam Ali (a) and Lady Fatimah (s). It...
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'Ashura - Misrepresentations and Distortions- Ayt. Mutahhari
A translation of a series of four sermons delivered by Ayatullah Mutahhari during the month of Muharram of 1389 H....
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The Role of Women In Imām al-Ḥusayn’s (as) Uprising- Ayt. S Baqir Al Hakim
An issue that has not been given sufficient recognition - despite opening a new realm of opportunity to identify with...
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The Shī‘a Imams in the words of Preeminent Sunni Scholarship
A New Case for the Rightfulness of the Claim to Leadership of the Twelve Shī‘a ImamsBy Masoud Emami Masoud Emami’s...
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Kitab Al Irshad- Sheikh Mufid
Author: Shaykh al-Mufid | Translated by: I.K.A. Howard | Published by: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc. | ISBN: 9780940368125 | Paperback...
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The Prophet’s Heir: The Life of Ali ibn Abi Talib- Hard Cover
The life and legacy of one of Mohammad’s closest confidants and Islam’s patron saint: Ali ibn Abi Talib “The best biography...
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Who is Hussain?
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Who is Hussain son of Ali? Why do we need to know about him? Why is it important to know...
Prophet Muhammad (saww) A concise biography
Author Mahmood Datoo An easy to read book written in narrative speech and bullet point form providing an interesting and...
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Husniyah A Slave girl and Harun ur Rashid
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This is a moving and powerful narrative of the indomitable religiosity of a slave-girl, Husniyah a matchless beauty during the...
The Sermon of Fadak- Commentary by Sayyid Muhammad Kazim al- Qazwini
The Sermon of Fadak is one of the two famous sermons delivered by the daughter of the Prophet of Islam,...
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The Life of the Messenger- Part Three: A Look at the Social and Political Life of the Prophet Muhammad Paperback
This biography gives an in-depth look at the social and political life of the Prophet Muhammad. Drawing on historical accounts,...
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The Message- Life of the Holy Prophet Of Islam- Ayat Jafar Subhani
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The study of the life of Prophet Muhammad, the greatest of all men, is thought- provoking, awe-inspiring and self-enlightening. A...
The Charisma of Husayn- Sayyid Khamenai
This book is a collection of valuable statements by Ayatollah Khamenei about two significant subjects: Lady Zaynab al-Kubra (s) and...
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Who Is Abbas?
It is rare in history for a human being to be created solely for the sake of serving the mission...
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History of the Quran- Ayt Muhammad Hadi Marefat
This book is a comprehensive study of the history of the Quran from a leading expert in the field of...
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Threads of Compassion- Healing hands in Lady Zainab's (sa) Neighbourhood
AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER NOW!  Embark on a compelling journey with Ehsān Jāvīdī, a nurse with an extraordinary mission. In the...
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Black Thursday- Tijiani Al Samawi
The text authored by Muhammad Al Tijani Al Samawi presents an english translation of the famous event of Raziyyat Yawm...
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Arbaeen- The walk
Millions of people from all over the world walk tens of kilometers across Iraq every year. Why?This book explores the...
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Unwithering Flames 1- Shaheed Mustafa Chamran- As narrated by his Wife
"Unwithering Flames" is a thought-provoking and emotionally engaging six-book series chronicling contemporary martyrs of Islam from the intimate perspective of...
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The Baqi Cemetery: Past, Present & Future
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A compelling read awaits as the author delves into the enigmas surrounding the oldest Islamic cemetery in the world -...
Ali: The Elixir of Love
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This historical narrative of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, tells the tale of his timeless character that transcends history, religions,...
The Mother of Imam al-Mahdi- Sh Ahmad Salman
Undoubtedly, research on the mothers of the infallible Imams (as) is necessary and closely linked to Ahl al-Bayt's biography (as)....
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The First Light: The Greatest Prophet (s)
In this book, Āyatullāh Ḥusayn Waḥīd Khurāsānī explores the reality of the First Light and the most perfect mind that...
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The Tragedy of Karbala
The events of the 10th of Muḥarram in the year 61 AH in which Imam Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson...
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A History of the Shi'a People- Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
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This book deals with the history of the Shi‘a Ithna-‘Ashari Muslim community from the early days of Islam up to...
Salman El-Farsi (Salman the Persian)- Friend of the Prophet
Salman el-Farsi was born in Persia (Iran) before the rise of Islam, and was brought up as a Zoroastrian. He...
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Islamic Sciences: Astronomy, Cosmology and Geometry- Marifetname
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The Marifetname, deals with classical scientific subjects such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine and physics, and also offers discussions on modern...
The Biography of the Chosen Prophet Muhammad (s) by Imam Ali (as)
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Taken from the sermons of Imam Ali (as) . Dr. Ahmed Hammoud, translated by Dr Ali Alsamail 
In the Shadows of War
October 2023 marked the beginning of Isarel’s brutal assault on the besieged Gaza Strip. Thousands of women and children killed,...
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