Al Mizan- Vol 35 Chapter 42-46

Al Mizan- Vol 35 Chapter 42-46


This volume of Tafsir al-Mizän comprises of the tafsir of five complete mid size chapters, namely, Sürah al-Shürä (42), Sürah al-Zukhruf (43), Sürah al-Dukhän (44), Sürah al-Jäthiya (45) and Sürah al-Ahqäf (46). All these sürahs were revealed in Mecca and begin with the disconnected letters (al-Furüf 1:1ä Mim and are commonly referred to as the Hä Mim sürahs. The central theme of most of these sürahs is about revelation and warning the immoderate people with the threat of punishment. Besides the subject of revelation being the main concern of Sürah al-Shürä, the sürah also discusses the signs of Divine unity, al-tawhid and not to mention, the repeated discussion of sustenance (rizq).

Book Title Al Mizan- Vol 35 Chapter 42-46
Publisher Tawheed Institute Australia Ltd.
Type Books
Date Published Sep 12, 2021

This volume of Tafsir al-Mizän comprises of the tafsir of five complete mid size chapters, namely, Sürah al-Shürä (42), Sürah al-Zukhruf (43), Sürah al-Dukhän (44), Sürah al-Jäthiya (45) and Sürah al-Ahqäf (46). All these sürahs were revealed in Mecca and begin with the disconnected letters (al-Furüf 1:1ä Mim and are commonly referred to as the Hä Mim sürahs. The central theme of most of these sürahs is about revelation and warning the immoderate people with the threat of punishment. Besides the subject of revelation being the main concern of Sürah al-Shürä, the sürah also discusses the signs of Divine unity, al-tawhid and not to mention, the repeated discussion of sustenance (rizq).

This chapter also consists of äyat al-mawaddahfi al-qurbä, which is the verse enjoining affection for the Prophet's near relatives and everything associ- ated with that: That is of which God gives the good news to His servants, those who believe and do good deeds. Say, "I do not ask you any reward for it except love of my near relatives"; and whoever earns good, We give him more of good therein; surely God is Forgiving, Grateful. (42.'23)

Sürah al-Zukhruf at the beginning mentions the sending of prophets in general and thereafter, discusses the immoderation of the faithless. The special concern of the sürah is negation of the idea that God has any offspring. In addition, the sürah discusses other interesting realities.

Surah al-Dukhän begins by mentioning the sending down of guid- ance through the clear book (kitäb mubin) as a mercy from God to His servants on the Night of Ordainment (laylat al-qadr) and in which every definitive matter is confirmed. The sürah then provides the faithless, who doubt the clear book, with a parallel of punishment in citing the story of Moses when he was sent to Pharaoh and his people to save the Israelites. Sürahs al-Jäthiya and al-Ahqäf have the purpose of a general call in the form of a warning.

Surah al-Jäthiyah begins by mentioning the signs of God's oneness and it emphasizes the importance of following the shariah (Divine codes) because ahead lies a day on which there will be compensation for righteous deeds—such as having faith and following the Prophet's teachings—and punishment for anyone turning away from the religion. One of the most fascinating subjects discussed in this sürah is how deeds are written down and recorded: 7his is Our book, which speaks truly against you. Indeed We used to transcribe what you used to do. (45:29) Surah al-Ahqäf commences by affrming the Resurrection in order to fulfill its aim which is to warn the idolaters who reject the prophetic call to believe in God and His Messenger about the Resurrection and the painful punishment that awaits therein for those who turn away and deny. This sürah also contains arguments for God's oneness and prophethood, while referring to the destruction of the people of Hüd and of villages in the vicinity of Mecca and warning the idolaters of them.

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