In Their Eyes

In Their Eyes

Your living miracle has brought you this far. You are unstoppable now - so long as you nurture this insight. The present moment expands forward and backward in time. You are on a journey towards the infinite, there is no turning back. With the clarity of this moment, you can now peek into the past. You have a living miracle, you have a living guardian - even if only behind the scenes - and you have a guarded community. This awareness is a critical vision, a discerning mechanism, granting you access to the past in ways that others simply lack. If many supposedly "historical" records were influenced by tyrants, how do we tell what is true from false? Put aside petty details; I'm speaking of the core events. What about those turning points in history that govern our spiritual program today? What about the transition from chosen one to succeeding guardian and from guardian to subsequent guardian? In Their Eyes gives the reader straightforward and concise answers to these pivotal questions.
Book Title In Their Eyes
Publisher The Mainstay Foundation
Type Print Books
Date Published Nov 22, 2022
Your living miracle has brought you this far. You are unstoppable now - so long as you nurture this insight. The present moment expands forward and backward in time. You are on a journey towards the infinite, there is no turning back. With the clarity of this moment, you can now peek into the past. You have a living miracle, you have a living guardian - even if only behind the scenes - and you have a guarded community. This awareness is a critical vision, a discerning mechanism, granting you access to the past in ways that others simply lack. If many supposedly "historical" records were influenced by tyrants, how do we tell what is true from false? Put aside petty details; I'm speaking of the core events. What about those turning points in history that govern our spiritual program today? What about the transition from chosen one to succeeding guardian and from guardian to subsequent guardian? In Their Eyes gives the reader straightforward and concise answers to these pivotal questions.

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