The Tablet of Fatimah

The Tablet of Fatimah

Publisher: Shia Books

The Tablet of Fatimah - A Divine Testimony on the Religious Authority of the Infallible Imams of the Twelver Shias' 

Book Title The Tablet of Fatimah
Publisher Shia Books
Type Books
Date Published Sep 02, 2018

The Tablet of Fatimah - A Divine Testimony on the Religious Authority of the Infallible Imams of the Twelver Shias' 

The Tablet of Fatimah (as) is a letter of wisdom and power from Allah, which was received by the Prophet (saw) from Angel Gabriel, in the form of an emerald tablet. It was then gifted by the Prophet (saw) to his beloved daughter Fatimah (as), who became the source of its communication to future generations.

The Tablet is considered to be one of the masterpiece documents, narrated by great Shia authorities of tradition. In the document, it mentions the names of the divinely chosen trustees of the religion and successors of the Holy Prophet (saw) and talks about the turbulent events that would unfold during their lifetime.

Translated from Arabic into English and annotated by Shaykh Muhammed Khalfan, the book transports the reader to the depths of some of the meanings in the document.

“I liked this book. True lovers and followers of Ahlul Bayt (as), as well as the seekers of the truth, will most probably be interested in reading this book. Readers can gain knowledge on the legitimacy of the divine leadership of the Ahlul Bayt  (as). 

One of the things that was especially interesting and fascinating was that Sayyida Fatima (as) responded to Jabir’s question by saying: “This is a tablet that Allah gifted to His Apostle (Ò). It contains the names of my father, my husband, my two sons, as well as the names of the divine trustees from my progeny. My father bestowed it to me to give me glad tidings about that”.

This book was very well translated. I would highly recommend it to anyone who desires to have ‘ma’rifa' of Ahlul Bayt (as)”.

Nuru Mohammed 
Resident Alim, KSIMC of Birmingham, UK 

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